Whether you’re suffering from oily skin or worried about showing the signs of ageing, you may well be wondering which vitamin is good for skin. In this article, we’ll go through the best skin vitamins for each skin type, putting your worries to rest.
Taking vitamin supplements is a popular way to treat problem skin and get that year-round glow that you dream of. Whether you’re suffering from acne, struggling with dry skin, or you just want a healthy glow, we’ve got the right supplements for you.
Are Vitamins Really Enough To Treat Problem Skin?
Skin vitamins are heavily promoted by celebrities and influencers alike, for almost any skin complaint. Taking vitamins are said to be able to help keep your skin looking healthy and youthful and to guard against some of the most common skin complaints.
Your skin is the largest organ in your body, so it’s important to take good care of it. But are vitamins really the miracle treatment you’re looking for? And which vitamins are best for different skin types?
Why Are Vitamins Important For Skin Health?
Getting the right balance of vitamins and other nutrients is vital for ensuring healthy bodily functions. If you become deficient in a vitamin, it can affect the healthy function of your body. Your skin and hair are usually the first things to suffer if you lack the vitamins that your body needs.
Vitamin deficiencies can have severe consequences for your skin. For example, deficiencies of vitamins C or E can increase your risk of skin damage, including skin cancer.
It’s important to make sure that your body has adequate levels of the vitamins needed to function healthily, not just for your skin but also for your overall health.
We’re going to take you through the best vitamins for your skin, depending on your skin complaint. If you just want that extra glow, we’ve got you covered there too. Read on to discover the best vitamins for your skin.

Oily Skin
Many people suffer from oily skin, but do you know how it’s caused and how to treat it?
What Causes Oily Skin?
Oily skin is the result of an overproduction of sebum. Sebum is a useful substance made of fats which helps to protect and moisturise your skin. We don’t want to get rid of sebum completely as it plays an important role in keeping your skin healthy, but we can regulate the amount that is produced to treat oily skin.
Many women find that their oily skin is worse around the time of their period. This is because hormone imbalances can lead to too much sebum being produced.
What Is The Best Vitamin For Oily Skin?
The good news is that taking vitamin supplements can help you to control your oily skin. One of the best vitamin supplements for oily skin is a vitamin B complex. There are many different types of B vitamin which are great for your skin, but vitamins B6 and B12 are considered the most effective for treating oily skin.
Taking a vitamin B complex which contains both vitamins B6 and B12 can help to balance your hormones and control your sebum production, reducing the amount of oil on your skin.
Purchase vitamin B complex here
Dry Skin
Dry skin can be an extremely uncomfortable condition, causing itching and even scarring. Luckily, dry skin is easily treatable, both with over-the-counter moisturisers and vitamin supplements.
What Causes Dry Skin?
There are many different causes of dry skin. It’s usually a temporary condition which is affected by conditions such as weather, air moisture or chemicals such as chlorine. However, for some people it can be a lifelong condition which must be continuously managed.
There are a few things that you can do to treat dry skin, such as moisturising regularly and avoiding your triggers. But sometimes that isn’t enough. You might need to deal directly with your skin’s sebum levels to treat your dry skin.
What Is The Best Vitamin For Dry Skin?
Sebum is your body’s natural moisturiser, helping to protect and nourish your skin. Increasing the amount of sebum that your body produces can help to counteract dry skin, leaving you with soft and hydrated skin.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which helps to protect your skin against sun damage by absorbing harmful UV light. It’s naturally applied to the skin through sebum. However, when sebum is not being produced effectively, the skin will also lack vitamin E.
If you’re suffering from dry skin, you’re probably not producing enough sebum. Vitamin E has been found to increase your sebum production, countering the effects of dry skin.
Vitamin E can be found in many different skin care products. However, the effects of vitamin E are minimised when exposed to sunlight, meaning that it is often ineffective when applied to the skin. Taking vitamin E supplements is an effective way to increase your sebum production, countering the effects of dry skin and protecting your skin from sun damage.
Find our best-selling range of skin supplements here
Most people will experience acne at some point in their lives, but that doesn’t mean that you should just have to put up with it. Acne is highly treatable and taking vitamin supplements can help.
What Causes Acne?
Acne occurs when your skin’s hair follicles become blocked by oil and dead skin cells. This is often a result of an overproduction of sebum, your skin’s natural moisturiser.
When your hair follicles become blocked, they may begin to swell. This swelling is often referred to as a whitehead. Alternatively, the follicle may become open to the skin, which is known as a blackhead.
Acne is often the result of a hormone imbalance, which is why it’s common in teenagers. It can also common in women around the time of their period and during pregnancy. When levels of testosterone increase, the sebaceous glands may produce too much sebum, causing the hair follicles to become blocked.
What Is The Best Vitamin For Acne?
Although it's not a vitamin, one of the most effective supplements for fighting acne is zinc. Zinc is often promoted for its role in the immune system as it helps to fight against viruses and bacteria. However, zinc has also been proven to reduce the severity of acne.
Zinc has been used in acne treatments since the 1970s thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. This gives zinc the ability to reduce the redness and irritation of acne and even reduce acne scarring. If you are suffering from inflammatory acne, taking zinc supplements could be beneficial.
Ageing Skin
As you get older, your skin will begin to age. It’s completely normal for your skin to change as you grow older, but there are things that you can do to slow down the ageing process.
What Are The Signs Of Ageing Skin?
The first signs of ageing you’ll usually notice will be the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This may include laughter lines and crow’s feet.
As you continue to age, your skin will begin to lose elasticity. This is because levels of elastin and collagen in your skin begin to decrease as you grow older. This can lead to your skin sagging, especially around your neck.
This loss of elastin and collagen is partly caused by sun damage. UV light breaks down the elastin and collagen in your skin, making it weaker and less flexible. This is why the skin begins to droop and wrinkles start to appear.
What Is The Best Vitamin For Ageing Skin?
Taking vitamin supplements can help to keep your skin looking youthful and toned. Vitamin C is one of the vitamins which can help to defend against the signs of ageing, which is why it is found in many anti-ageing skin products.
Vitamin C is used by the body to produce collagen. That’s why high concentrations of vitamin C are found within the skin. Making sure that your body has enough vitamin C can help to increase your collagen levels and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin C can also help to repair your skin and keep it looking healthy.
Find vitamin C supplements here
Clear Skin
If you’re prone to breakouts, you might be wondering how to achieve clear skin. Taking supplements can help.
What Is The Best Vitamin For Clear Skin?
With a whole host of beneficial properties, turmeric has been used for centuries to keep skin healthy and clear. Turmeric contains curcumin, the bioactive component which gives turmeric its amazing qualities.
Turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory, helping it to reduce redness and swelling in your skin. This is ideal for those suffering from regular breakouts or acne. It’s also an antioxidant, helping your skin to achieve that healthy glow that we all dream of.
Not only that, but turmeric also has antimicrobial properties, helping to prevent infection and keep your skin healthy. It can help to reduce the appearance of acne scarring whilst evening out skin tone.
If you’re looking for clear and healthy skin, the natural healing abilities of turmeric could be worth a try.
Purchase turmeric supplements here
Glowing Skin
For many people, achieving glowing skin is the ultimate dream. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a supplement that you could take to improve the health of your skin and give it the glow that you long for?
What Is The Best Vitamin For Glowing Skin?
Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. It’s so important for the healthy growth of skin and hair that it was originally named vitamin H, after the German words ‘haut’ which means ‘skin’ and ‘haar’ which means ‘hair’.
This important vitamin helps to maintain the mucous membranes of your skin, protecting it from damage and giving your skin that all-important glow. Biotin also plays a vital role in metabolising fat which is crucial for keeping your skin healthy.
If you’re looking to boost the health of your hair, it may be worth increasing your biotin intake. You can find biotin in liver, kidney, leafy green vegetables and egg yolks. It’s also available as a supplement if you want to boost your intake of biotin.
Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are a normal part of life for many people, but many people are unhappy with the appearance of their stretch marks. There are vitamin supplements that you can take which may help to make your stretch marks less noticeable.
What Causes Stretch Marks?
As their name suggests, stretch marks happen when your skin stretches. This is usually the result of sudden growth or weight gain. Many women find that they develop stretch marks during pregnancy as their skin stretches to allow space for their growing baby.
Stretch marks fade with time, changing from a red or purple colour to a tone closer to your skin colour. However, there are ways to help to reduce the appearance of your stretch marks more quickly.
What Is The Best Vitamin For Stretch Marks?
Vitamin K is commonly found in products which claim to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The main purpose of this vitamin is to aid healing as it helps the blood to clot. This helps your body to heal wounds and bruises.
If you’re looking to reduce the appearance of your stretch marks, vitamin K could help. It’s thought that vitamin K’s healing properties are the reason that it seems to help with stretch marks, scars and dark marks on your skin.
Click here to purchase vitamin K supplements
Which Vitamin Should I Take For My Skin?
There are many vitamins available which benefit your skin in different ways. The best vitamin for your skin will depend on the problems you’re facing and which vitamins you may be lacking from your diet.
Think about the main concerns you have around your skin. It could be acne, dry skin or the effects of aging. The vitamin you’ll choose should be tailored towards which support your skin most needs. The guide above will help you to determine the right vitamin for your specific worries.
Related Questions
How Long Does It Take Skin Vitamins To Work?
There are many vitamins that you can take to promote the health of your skin, but they won’t work overnight. You’ll usually begin to notice a difference in your skin within 12 weeks of taking them, so it’s important to be patient. As the levels of vitamin in your body slowly increase, you’ll find that your skin becomes noticeably healthier.
When Should I Take Skin Vitamins?
The best time of day to take vitamins for your skin will depend on the type of vitamin that you are taking. Certain vitamins will need to be taken with a meal whilst others may be best taken on an empty stomach. Always follow the instructions which are printed on the label.
Treat Your Skin To The Nutrients It Craves
If your skin is crying out for some TLC, you might benefit from taking vitamin supplements. Our best-selling range of skin vitamins are ideal for nourishing your skin and helping it to be as healthy as possible.
Whether you’re suffering from acne, struggling with dry skin or looking for a way to give your skin a natural glow, taking skin vitamin supplements can help.
You can view and purchase our full range of skin vitamins from our online shop