Can Vegans Take Multivitamins? - Here Is What Every Vegan Needs To Know

If you are a vegan or are considering becoming one, then you may be wondering, can vegans take multivitamins? Simply put, yes, vegans can absolutely take multivitamins.

In fact, specially formulated, vegan friendly multivitamins are a great way to include the essential nutrients that your body needs from supplements containing elements that would usually be most easily sourced from a meat based diet.

The choice whether to supplement a vegan diet with essential nutrients on top of your usual food intake is one for each individual to make, but you should also be aware that if you do choose to supplement your diet with multivitamins, not all products are equal.

Adding Multivitamins To A Vegan Diet

Maybe you wanted to save animals or minimise your impact on the environment, whatever your reason for becoming vegan is, congratulations for taking such a big step towards improving your overall health and well-being! Although a vegan lifestyle is often viewed as a healthier alternative to eating meat, when following a vegan diet, it is still very important to ensure you are still getting a well balanced diet with all the essential nourishment you need. This is where adding multivitamins to your vegan diet comes in.

With a passion for health, fitness, well-being, and everything in between, EVO Nutrition is proud to offer some of the best value for money supplements in the UK, and whether you’ve been vegan for a while, or are just considering taking the plunge, we’re confident that you’ll love them too.

Try Vegan Multivitamins

When choosing to remove whole food groups such as meat and dairy, it is especially important to take a well considered approach to your meal planning.

Read on to find out how multivitamins can support vegan lifestyles, what multivitamins vegans should consider taking, and where to buy them.

What Is A Multivitamin?

Multivitamins are dietary supplements that are most commonly taken in tablet or capsule form, but powders and liquids are also available. They tend to contain three or more essential vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements, but with so many essential nutrients to choose from, how do you know which ones you should take as a vegan?

Multivitamins are usually grouped together based on specific nutritional needs. For example, multivitamins for vegans, multivitamins for the elderly or prenatal vitamins for pregnant women. So look out for packs of vitamins that are specifically focused around vegan health to ensure you get the balance you need.

This vegan friendly multivitamin from Evo Nutrition for example contains 14 vitamins and minerals to help supercharge your health including calcium, iron, zinc and B12 which are all especially important for vegans to add to their diet because they are most commonly found in animal products and harder, but not impossible, to source from plant based food.

Where Can I Buy Vegan Multivitamins?

Where Can I Buy Vegan Multivitamins - Can vegans take multivitamins

We’re glad you asked! Here, at EVO Nutrition, we produce allergen-free, non-GMO and vegan friendly supplements that are made right here in the UK.

Our vegan friendly multivitamin gives your immune system a boost and ensures you are getting the vitamins and minerals that are essential to keep your body functioning well. This means with just one tablet a day, you can reap the benefits of more energy and feelings of good health.

These vegan supplements are a convenient source of essential nutrients in one easy to swallow tablet. Each tablet includes Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Niacin, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Iron and Zinc (with at least 100% RDA of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Iron & Zinc per tablet).

As they come in a small bottle with a whole year’s supply, you can easily pop them in your bag to remind you to take them during the day, or just add them to your breakfast, lunch or dinner routine - however you find it easier to remember to take them.

Try Today For Just £12.95

Related Questions

What Vitamins Should Vegans Take?

As most vegans choose to remove all animal derived products from their diet, it can lead them open to suffering deficiencies in nutrients that are typically found in meat products. Iron, Iodine, Omega 3 and B12 for example are predominantly found in red meat and fish.

The good news is that a balanced vegan diet can give you all the vitamins and minerals that you need, but it is still handy to know where you can get the ones that are a little trickier to find in plant based foods. Especially if you’re a fussy eater or don’t like some of the alternative sources available to you.

In order to ensure these essential vitamins and minerals are substituted back into your diet, supplements that focus on vitamins that are likely to be missing or low in a vegan diet, like the ones noted above, are well worth adding to your shopping basket.


Vegans can absolutely take multivitamins to supplement their plant based diet. You should remember though, that when looking for supplements to enhance a plant based diet with essential nutrients readily available from meat sources, you need to pay close attention to the quality of the multivitamins you choose.

Most multivitamin packs include vitamins A, C, E, Iron & Zinc to help support the normal function of the immune system and Vitamin D & Calcium to help maintain normal healthy bones.

Look out for vegan inspired multivitamins from reputable suppliers and always remember to check the quantities included. This will help you to ensure that you are getting a balanced mix which is better than taking too much or too little of any specific vitamin.

EVO Nutrition is passionate about producing premium supplements that complement your health and well-being. We source the best active ingredients and create formulations that help you to achieve your full potential and you, our customer, are at the heart of everything we do.

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